美しさとは見えているものの奥にあって感じるもの。仲間郁代建築設計事務所(株)オフィスブログです。Beauty exists in the back of what we can see, and it is what we can feel. Our office in Okinawa Japan is seeking universal truth and beauty which connect true nature as well as exploring new possibility of architect.
てぃーだブログ › IKUYO NAKAMA ARCHITECT & ASSOCIATES  › 新規プロジェクト/project › Kz-house/residencial project 2019


Kz-house/residencial project 2019


Makishi in Naha City. The house built as a guest house on the portion of the site of their family home.
The surrounding area of this site has irregular streetscape due to the past urban sprawl and the family house is built like protected by a large garden in cluster of high-rise buildings.
Not to be eroded by city, we adopted the layout which reduces the garden to the minimum, the house has an office on 1st floor and living space on 2nd and 3rd floor by utilizing height difference.
They requested large buffering space between entrance and living.

Kz-house/residencial project 2019

Kz-house/residencial project 2019

Kz-house/residencial project 2019

Kz-house/residencial project 2019

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Posted by IKUYO NAKAMA ARCHITECT & ASSOCIATES at 00:00 │新規プロジェクト/project