美しさとは見えているものの奥にあって感じるもの。仲間郁代建築設計事務所(株)オフィスブログです。Beauty exists in the back of what we can see, and it is what we can feel. Our office in Okinawa Japan is seeking universal truth and beauty which connect true nature as well as exploring new possibility of architect.
てぃーだブログ › IKUYO NAKAMA ARCHITECT & ASSOCIATES  › ギャラリー/gallery › ESC沖縄ビル ESC Okinawa Office/ 2019


ESC沖縄ビル ESC Okinawa Office/ 2019

ESC沖縄ビル ESC Okinawa Office/ 2019

ESC沖縄ビル ESC Okinawa Office/ 2019

ESC沖縄ビル ESC Okinawa Office/ 2019

ESC沖縄ビル ESC Okinawa Office/ 2019
More picture→https://www.ikuyo-nakama.jp/english/works/w_office/001/index.html

東京に本社を置き優秀なバイリンガルスタッフの揃う国際色豊かな企業様の沖縄社屋ビル。 敷地は沖縄県本島中部。交通量の多い道路沿いにも関わらず深いバッファーゾーンに緑を挟み360°緑に囲まれた恵まれた敷地に建ちます。
エントランス・会議室・休憩室・レストルームなどのパブリックコアを中央に集約させ、個室ブースを東西ウイングに配置することで、 仕事の集中効率化を図りつつ、自然と来客やスタッフ間の交流の行われるレイアウトになっています。日本基準の3倍(ドイツ基準)の換気量を採用しクリーンな空調環境もご希望されました。
The Okinawa branch office building of the company whose headquarter is located in Tokyo and has excellent bilingual staffs. The site is located at the middle part of Okinawa main island. In spite of the traffic-laden road, the building is located on the site with deep buffer zone which is surrounded by 360 degree green.
The office where people would spend as much time as at home. All offices take Okinawan beautiful scenery so that working staffs can fulfill their potential and creativity under this comfortable environment.
By locating the public core such as entrance, conference room, break room and rest room on the center and private booths on east and west wing, it can increase work productivity also the layout would encourage communication between customers and staffs and each staff naturally. Clean air conditioning environment is also realized by taking ventilation amount three times as much as Japanese standard (Germany standard).
The owner was dedicated to the materials and design that can be recognized its value even if time changes for this office building.

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Posted by IKUYO NAKAMA ARCHITECT & ASSOCIATES at 17:11 │ギャラリー/gallery