美しさとは見えているものの奥にあって感じるもの。仲間郁代建築設計事務所(株)オフィスブログです。Beauty exists in the back of what we can see, and it is what we can feel. Our office in Okinawa Japan is seeking universal truth and beauty which connect true nature as well as exploring new possibility of architect.
てぃーだブログ › IKUYO NAKAMA ARCHITECT & ASSOCIATES  › ギャラリー/gallery › Or-house/residential 2017


Or-house/residential 2017


The third house for the owner. So far the house was mainly planned by the husband who has many hobbies and loves designing. On the other hand, the wife loves plant and wanted to live in a one-story house and live like Ms. Venetia.This time the husband wanted to build a tall building to enjoy scenery but dithered over again and again and finally compromised his wife.Their final house looks two-story from the road and 1.5-story from the wide garden that can achieve wife’s dream.

Or-house/residential 2017

Or-house/residential 2017

Or-house/residential 2017

Or-house/residential 2017

Or-house/residential 2017

Or-house/residential 2017

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Yg project/hotel 2024(2024-05-06 16:03)

Posted by IKUYO NAKAMA ARCHITECT & ASSOCIATES at 00:00 │ギャラリー/gallery